We’re glad you are here and we want to help.


Dwell offers Adoption Assistance Grants to qualified waiting families. It is our goal to award four families per year a grant in the amount of $5000. This is always contingent on available funding.

We support both international and domestic adoption pursuits and want to come alongside you as you work to bring your child home.

A few quick considerations:

  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens and live in one of the following Pennsylvania counties at the time of application: Lycoming, Clinton, Union, Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Sullivan.

  • You may submit the application after completing your home study with a favorable recommendation.

  • Applicants (both husband and wife) must be in good standing and in community with a Christian church.

  • Dwell must receive the completed grant application before the placement of a child in your home in order to comply with best practice guidelines.

If you would like to apply for a Dwell Adoption Assistance Grant, please complete our preliminary approval application.